Frequently Asked Questions


How much will non-residential property owners pay? How was their rate of charge determined?

Non-residential property owners will also be asked to pay based on the amount of hard surface area on their properties. The impervious area for each non-residential property in the District was measured using information from the Butler County Auditor’s Office.

The residential rate is used in the calculation for non-residential properties. In the calculation, the flat residential rate equals one “equivalent residential unit” or ERU. One ERU = 4,000 square feet of hard surface area.

Non-residential property owners are charged based on the number of ERUs of hard surface on their property. For example, if a commercial property has three times as much hard surface area as the average residence (12,000 sq. feet or 3 ERUs), its storm water charge would be three times the residential rate per year, or three times $13.00 ($39.00).