Effective January 19, 2012 – Butler County has revised the Butler County Subdivision Regulations which are administered, in part, by the Butler County Storm Water District. These changes bring Butler County’s erosion and sediment control (ESC) standards up-to-date with federal and state requirements for the National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Construction General Permit and protect our natural resources during all phases of development. These regulations include a fee schedule for the plan review(s) and inspections of subdivision and individual lot developments and enforcement procedures for non-compliant sites. The following sections describe the process and requirements for the Butler County Earth Moving Permit and the Butler County Lot ESC Permit.

The Butler County Earth Moving Permit (EMP) is –

EMP Process

EMP Fee Schedule*

Residential Subdivision – $75/disturbed acre (Min=$1,000 and Max=$5,000)

Commercial Subdivision – $100/disturbed acre (Min=$2,000 and Max=$10,000)

* Checks should be made payable to the Butler County Planning Commission.

The Butler County Lot ESC Permit is –

Lot ESC Permit Process

Lot ESC Permit Fee Schedule*

Residential Lots – $30/lot
Commercial Lots – $100/lot

* Checks should be made payable to the Butler County Building Department.