Just a Stream? Ross M.S. Students Took A Closer Look
Special Event
June 25, 2004

Many creeks and streams throughout Butler County are tucked away in back yards or under bridges, but out of sight shouldn’t mean out of mind.
From our smallest creeks to our largest rivers, streams are one of Ohio’s most valuable natural resources. Streams have always provided Ohioans with many uses and benefits. Besides providing drinking water, streams supply water for industrial use, recreational activities, and beautiful scenery. Streams also serve as a habitat for a wide range of creatures. More than 1,400 species of wildlife depend on how well Ohioans understand, utilize, and care for their streams.
These are among the lessons learned by students from Ross Middle School as they took a closer look at one of their local streams. These students spent a morning catching frogs, crayfish, and other wildlife and found out that beautiful Indian Creek is more than just a stream. They learned about the Indian Creek watershed, surrounding local land use and storm water runoff, stream hydrology, biology, and ecology.
Interested in organizing a stream walk for your school or organization? Contact the Butler County Storm Water District for more information.