Trenton Area Storm Water Management Project
“Storm Water Management in the Jackson Ditch Watershed”
News Release
February 26, 2007
The 7,600 inhabitants of the Jackson Ditch Watershed in Butler County have added incentive to live and work in an environmentally conscious manner because their water supply is a closed-loop system. Their water comes from the Great Miami River Buried Valley Aquifer and their land is drained by the Jackson Ditch, a four-mile-long channel that has no natural outlet. Storm water in the ditch soaks into the ground and back into the aquifer.
In order to protect the aquifer in the face of continued development, the Butler County Storm Water District commissioned Fuller, Mossbarger, Scott & May Engineers, Inc. (FMSM) to develop a storm water management plan for the watershed. The firm created a series of hypothetical land use models which demonstrated that the future quality and quantity of water in the watershed is a function of land use. The final plan provides practical recommendations for storm water management that will protect the aquifer from pollution and minimize the flooding that might otherwise result from development.
For these efforts, the American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) presented an award to the Butler County Storm Water District and FMSMon February 22, 2007 in Columbus. The ACEC Award Ceremony recognizes engineering firms for projects that demonstrate a high degree of achievement, value, and ingenuity.