News Release
March 15, 2007

The Greater Cincinnati Rain Garden Alliance presents a 2-day Technical Training and Workshop on Rain Gardens and infiltration practices. The workshop takes place on May 9 and 10, 2007 at Mill Race Banquet Center in Winton Woods Park.

The workshop features two renowned experts in Rain Garden design and bioretention practices: David Dods, Environmental Engineer, and Rusty Schmidt, Landscape Architect, both from URS Corporation. The workshop includes a range of options for different audiences:

  1. “Introduction To Rain Gardens” (half-day morning May 9) for government officials, business owners and developers, and homeowners. Continental breakfast and refreshments will be provided.
  2. “Rain Garden Tour” (half-day, afternoon May 9): Site visit to local rain gardens illustrating design, installation, and plant selection.
  3. “Advanced Design for Infiltration Practices: (full day, May 10) An in-depth training series for designers, planners, and storm water professionals” (technical training includes continuing education credits and certificate of completion). Continental breakfast, refreshment, and lunch will be provided.

The Greater Cincinnati Rain Garden Alliance is an initiative launched by the Mill Creek Watershed Council of Communities to promote Rain Gardens and green design in the region. The Alliance will be a resource for information and technical assistance regarding rain gardens. We promote rain gardens and other natural systems as a way to help manage storm water concerns and to beautify our landscapes. The Rain Garden Alliance is a collaboration between local governments, organizations, interested citizens, and Master Gardeners.

The organizations represented on the Greater Cincinnati Rain Garden Alliance include: