News Release
June 14, 2011

Butler County Storm Water District Coordinator Bob Lentz has been certified as a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Specialist (CMS4S). The certification is issued by EnviroCert International, Inc. in conjunction with an international oversight committee of MS4 operators and storm water professionals.

The CMS4S program’s mission is to serve the public trust through the certification of individuals who are technically and ethically qualified to manage EPA NPDES MS4 programs which are in compliance with local, state, and federal laws and regulations.

“What Bob’s certification means for Butler County is that we are striving to achieve more than just compliance with federal regulations,” said Butler County Engineer Greg Wilkens, who also serves as the Butler County Storm Water Engineer. “It’s about understanding the intent of the storm water program and implementing it to the fullest extent. We’re looking to be leaders in the community both locally and regionally on issues and topics dealing with storm water management.”

The Butler County Storm Water District began operation in 2003 as a means to address federal mandates to prevent harmful pollutants from being washed by storm water runoff into local water bodies.

Lentz has been the Butler County Storm Water District Coordinator since its inception. He is responsible for implementing and managing the district’s storm water management plan, especially in the areas of public education and outreach, illicit discharge detection and elimination, and pollution prevention at public facilities.

Butler County’s Stream Team was developed with Lentz’s help and input. The Stream Team is a volunteer stream-monitoring program covering major sub-watersheds for the lower Great Miami River in collaboration with Miami University and the Butler Soil and Water Conservation District. Lentz has also served on the Mill Creek Watershed Council Board of Trustees since 2004 and on the Ohio Storm Water Association Board of Trustees since 2009.

Prior to joining the Storm Water District, Lentz worked as an Environmental Specialist at the Regional Air Pollution Control Agency, as a chemist at Cargill, Inc., graduated from the University of Dayton with a B.S. in Biology, and pursued graduate studies in Environmental Science at Wright State University.